Organic • Raw • Unrefined
Extra Virgin COCONUT OIL
Cold processed by centrifugal extraction
Experience and knowledge play a vital role in any business and we are into the business of coconut industry since last two decades. Over these years we have expanded our sub-licensed farms over one-hundred-and-forty hectares which includes sixteen plantations spread across the East and West of Thailand.


Our MCT oil are made in Thailand by organic certified coconut and contain Caprylic acid / Capric acid more than 99% which are converted into brain boosting, fat burning ketone energy more efficiently than other MCTs.
Medium-chain fatty acids are capable of helping you Maintain a healthy weight , Give more energy, Think more clearly, Experience better digestion, Balance hormone levels, Improve your mood, Fight bacterial infection and viruses, Absorb fat-soluble nutrients from various foods

All the farms are certified-organic farms producing high quality coconuts without the usage of chemical fertilizers and other sprays. Our trees are maintained with the traditional methods. This is natural and self sufficient fertilizer which makes the products chemical free and it tastes great. The climatic condition of our farm in Thailand is perfect for the coconuts which are great on taste and aroma.
Our motive is to give our contribution to the society and we understand that our social responsibility can make a difference. So, we work with locals and give them work opportunities. We also participate in trade fairs with the idea of spreading awareness related to coconut and its products. We promote organic farming of coconuts in Thailand so that you get the best quality products.

Certified organic agricultural operations (certified organic farmers) avoid the use of most synthetic pesticides found in conventional agriculture. Chemical pesticides and herbicides have been linked to
birth defects,obesity, diabetes, ADHD, and other health problems. President Obama’s Cancer Panel reported in 2010 that pesticide exposure is linked to various forms of cancer. The panel strongly recommends that people reduce their exposure to carcinogens by removing toxins from our food, water, and air. Each time you choose organic, you are choosing to leave these chemicals off your plate.
Organic food is safe. Certified organic producers go to great lengths to ensure that their products are safe and risk-free

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